Friday, November 21, 2008


Suggested Listening: anything by the Black Keys

So, Haven't written anything in a little while, because flow at work has changed and haven't really had a chance to chime in about anything. Since I have a few minutes today, I thought I'd do a quick runthrough of different Misc items that have caught my attention lately

1. So, Pushing Daisies was cancelled, which totally sucks balls. I don't want to get into it too much (it makes me sick to my stomach that ABC has no sense of originality and consider themselves in the entrtainment business, but have cancelled the most entertaning and unique program currently on tv) , but all I know is that ABC is gonna be getting all kinds of different stuff in the mail for a long time on that one. I hope they like pies.

2. Interesting interview on AICN about Spike Jonze making the feature film adaptaion of "Where The Wild Things Are", which is totally awesome. For anyone not in the know, it's going to be amazing. Here's a link to that interview:

3. Saw the new Bond movie. Totally Awesome. The new bond movies are so on top of any Bond movies of the past. I'm glad that they are being smart about such a great character that's been given such a lackluster cover in the past. Daniel Craig totally kicks ass.

4. And finally, I bought Wall-e on DVD. One of the best movies of the year, and my favorite from Pixar. Genius

Anyways, That's all for now. More to come on some of these topics, just not motivated enough right now to realy elaborate further.

Friday, November 7, 2008

You can't "Beat It" (I know, I know)

Suggested Listening: Well, I think this one will be obvious

Okay, so recently I realized something that was so common knowledge, that it's ridiculous.

Let me rephrase that. I knew this bit of knowledge practically my entire life, but now I understand it on an entirely new level.

This bit of knowledge? Well, it's that Michael Jackson's "Thriller" is an absolutely genius album. I mean GENIUS.

First off, now a days, if the name Michael Jackson is mentioned, it is 99% of the time preceded or followed by a tasteless joke, smirk, or snicker. That to me is an absolute shame. The man is definately eccentric beyond belief, and may, MAY, have some small sexual indescretions, but let's put that aside.

I wanna talk about 1983 Michael Jackson. Billie Jean Michael Jackson, you know, the one who absolutely blew everyone away on the Motown 25th Anniversary special by doing what seemed physically impossible. The one who, with one album was able to not only make himself the biggest superstar in the world, but also set about creating a mythos about himself that for the most part stands today around the world.

Some of you out there, I'm sure, are saying, "Now, where in the hell did all this sudden admiration for the great gloved one come from?". Well, I've been a MJ fan my entire life (I'm not gonna lie, I hid it when it wasn't cool), but it was reignited when I recently was able to get my hands on a copy of Captain EO on dvd, through an unnamed source.

For those of you unfortunately unaware of this little gem, Captain EO was a 3-D movie made in 1986 (in between Thriller and Bad) that stars Michael Jackson as the title character, and his band of puppet/muppet ragtag crew of misfits and screwballs. EO is sent on a mission to deliver a "gift" to the Supreme Being (Angelica Houston) on a far away planet, in a last ditch effort to save EO's name in the vaugely named "Federation" that he is a part of. Did I mention that it was directed by Frances Ford Coppola and produced by George Lucas?

Hyginks ensue, as does dancing and singing.

I would say that if you haven't seen it, you really should run to Disney world to check it out, but unfortunately they stopped running it in 1994. (If your desparate and know me, I would be more than happy to hold a screening for you).

Seeing this wonderful jewel from my childhood again filled me with Michael Jackson nostalgia. I, of course, had a copy of Thriller on CD for the title track on various occasions, not really giving the rest of the tracks on the album it's proper due. I decided to start listening to it again while I was still floating on my Captain EO high.

Needless to say, I was not disappointed.

The thing that caught me off gaurd is really how fresh the album still is as a whole. Don't get me wrong, I still have an instinct to skip the track when "Beat It" starts due to the immense amount of overexposure the track has recieved over the years, but as a whole, it's like a dance-pop filled breath of fresh air.

I could go on and on, but more than likely you "know" all of the wonderfullness that is "Thriller", but if you're reading this post and thinking "Honestly???", all I can do, is put it on, and give it a fresh listen with new ears, you'll be glad you did. (especially for the non singles "Baby Be Mine" and "Human Nature")