Friday, November 21, 2008


Suggested Listening: anything by the Black Keys

So, Haven't written anything in a little while, because flow at work has changed and haven't really had a chance to chime in about anything. Since I have a few minutes today, I thought I'd do a quick runthrough of different Misc items that have caught my attention lately

1. So, Pushing Daisies was cancelled, which totally sucks balls. I don't want to get into it too much (it makes me sick to my stomach that ABC has no sense of originality and consider themselves in the entrtainment business, but have cancelled the most entertaning and unique program currently on tv) , but all I know is that ABC is gonna be getting all kinds of different stuff in the mail for a long time on that one. I hope they like pies.

2. Interesting interview on AICN about Spike Jonze making the feature film adaptaion of "Where The Wild Things Are", which is totally awesome. For anyone not in the know, it's going to be amazing. Here's a link to that interview:

3. Saw the new Bond movie. Totally Awesome. The new bond movies are so on top of any Bond movies of the past. I'm glad that they are being smart about such a great character that's been given such a lackluster cover in the past. Daniel Craig totally kicks ass.

4. And finally, I bought Wall-e on DVD. One of the best movies of the year, and my favorite from Pixar. Genius

Anyways, That's all for now. More to come on some of these topics, just not motivated enough right now to realy elaborate further.

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