Monday, October 6, 2008

Tampa Sports and Me

OK, I have a bit of a confession to make.

I've kinda fallen off of the sports.

Now don't get me wrong. I still LOVE me some sports. It still makes my heart pound hard and my adrenaline go through the roof when my team is doing good, or my blood boil when my team is doing bad. I love it all.....when I watch it.

In that last statement lies the problem. I don't seem to watch it anymore, and believe it or not, it usually doesn't bother me that much. I still watch games every once in a while. (especially the buckeyes). I still try to catch the score even when I'm not watching a game. For some reason it's just not that important to me anymore.

I'm sure some of you can't blame me for that. I'm also sure that some of you can (and will, but jokingly of course.)

So, if it doesn't bother me, then why am I wasting your time and mine writing this? Well, because when it does bother me. It really gets to me.

Let's take the Ray's for example. I love the fact that they have a great chance at not only going to the world series, but taking the whole damn thing full on Tampa style, but I feel it is an injustice to all Ray's fans who dedicate a lot of time and money on the team for me to title myself as a "Fan". I hope them the best, but I cannot join the bandwagon full on. If they make it to the Big One, I will certainly try to tune in to as many of the games as possible, but i will not purchase the gear for the previously mentioned reason. I refuse to be a "Band wagoner". Now, what does this have to do with the previously mentioned paragraph, you ask yourself?

Well, I wish I was there from the beginning, watching them blossom from game one this season into the amazing history making season it's become. That's the part I love about sports.

My best bud, Ryan Guy, is THE Tampa sports guy I know. He actually is very knowledgeable about all sports, but Tampa teams have a special affinity in his heart, as it does in all raindog (see O'Ds blog for explanation of this term, because that's a whole 'nother bag of chips, but most of you read the word raindogs, and feel a very close tinge in your heart, because it refers to you) hearts.
He really kick started my love of sports, and I can remember many Saturdays and Sundays crowded around the TV, wearing our "Sunday Best". I remember cheering and high-fiving. I remember hanging my head in shame. There was screaming, cursing, and most of all, pure amazement of the athletic wonders in front of us.

Ryan is one of the main reasons why I miss the ritual of sports watching. When I watch a game with him, it's not only entertaining, it's usually educational too! He's a stats man. He can spout of these little nuggets of gold about most players, whether it be an interesting stat about the player or team, or if it is some funny anecdote, article tidbit he read in a newspaper, or reference to an inside joke that was made about the particular personality/athlete, it was always an experience watching sports with him.

Now, I just can't find the time anymore. I wish I still had the determination to watch a game or two every week, but it just doesn't interest me as much.

Maybe my knee is to blame. (Stupid ACL)

Post Script:

I don't know about you, but if I'm on the computer,I'm most likely listening to music. For further enjoyment of my blog, each entry is going to have a companion song that I am going to suggest as a companion to the blog I wrote. Now the particular song will have some sort of significance with the blog, or possibly something that I was listening to when I wrote it. This entry's suggested listening is "Battery" by Metallica. Now, I know what your thinking, "What the hell, I read this whole thing, and now you're telling me to listen to a song while reading it, and you put it at the very end? Well, screw that, buddy! How my ass taste?" But, next time it will be at the top.


Mr. Guy said...


I miss my sports buddy Jon.

Listen. If the Rays wind up going to the big one, we're gonna have some hella parties. You should come out and watch, man.

Love you, buddy.

Jon said...

Ok, so since writing this blog i have mad more of an attempt to watch the rays leading up to the series, and I am going t purchase a hat due to my new found love for this American Pasttime.